How to overcome fear of the dentist in Chislehurst


A fear of the dentist in Chislehurst is relatively common.  Here at Jes Dental Studio, we understand that some people find the thought of coming to see us an anxiety inducing prospect and offer lots of help in overcoming that.  This guide explores why it is important to come and visit us and gives some advice on how to get over the nerves so that our patients can have the best possible oral health.

Why are check-ups important?

Many people make the mistake of only making an appointment to see the dentist in Chislehurst when they have a fairly significant issue such as pain or a missing tooth.  However, regular check-ups are vital for maintaining good oral health.  We can spot issues such as the beginnings of a cavity before the patient is even aware of them and resolve them with relative ease.

Check-ups are also important for identifying the earliest stages of oral cancer.  We look for signs of this as a matter of course and spotting the disease early on means it is usually easy to treat.  Getting an early diagnosis also means that we can help to minimise the risk of the cancer spreading to other parts of the body and becoming more serious.

We also give our patients advice on the best brushing and flossing techniques, and the tools that they should use to get the best results for good oral health and a bright white smile.

Talk to us

Any patient who is fearful or nervous about coming to see us should let us know about the issue.  We are professionals who have dealt with patients who are anxious many times in the past, and we are keen to put people at ease.

We can explain exactly what will happen during a check-up or during treatment for a specific issue so that the patient has all the information they need to assuage their fears.  Being anxious is often related to the unknown, so no patient should be afraid to ask lots of questions: that can make a significant difference when it comes to calming the nerves.

Visit us regularly

As discussed, check-ups are very important for the maintenance of good oral health.  By attending regularly, usually around every 6 months or so, the patient can reduce the likelihood that they will need to get more complex treatments.  In addition, the more check-ups they attend, the more used to visiting us the patient will become.  They soon realise that there is nothing to fear, and the thought of an appointment becomes a routine function that is part of keeping oneself in good general health.

Make an early appointment

Making an appointment first thing in the morning is ideal for nervous patients.  This means that they get their check-up or treatment out of the way before any anxiety is allowed to build.

Practice deep breathing

There are lots of deep breathing methods that help to promote relaxation.  One that works particularly well for anxiety is box breathing: out for 4 seconds, in for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds and exhale for 4 seconds.  Practising this before the appointment and in the waiting room can be very helpful.